Value of time/Paragraph /for MP Students /WBBSE /Importance of Time

Value of time

         (Points- Introduction- value of time – nature – conclusion)
                               Time and tide wait for none. Lost wealth may be regained by industry, lost health by medicine, but lost time is lost forever. Time is the most precious thing in the world.  Every moment of life has to be spent properly to make human lives happy and prosperous. Putting off our works means making our tasks heavier and more difficult. A proverb says “A stitch in time saves nine.” Time cannot be expanded, accumulated or mortgaged. A man who makes proper use of time never comes to lament. An unpunctual man is bound to lead him to failure and frustration. The busiest man has the most leisure. If one acts promptly, he will definitely prosper in life. Consciousness about time will bring discipline and strength in character of a man. The secret of success lies in the perfect use of time. We must learn the art of utilizing time in our own interest. Finally we can say, he who knows the value of time makes the best of life.

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