Usefulness of Morning Walk /Paragraph /for MP Students/WBBSE

Usefulness of Morning Walk

To reach the goal in our life, we all should have sound health. We must have a routine and habit to keep our body healthy and fit. Morning walk is such a healthy habit. It is the best form of exercise. Morning air is fresh and free from pollution. It can keep a man fit and fresh all the day. Morning walk is suitable for all classes of people-the rich and the poor, the young and the old. Morning walk gives an opportunity to come in close contact with nature. While walking in the morning we can walk through the pure air, see the beauty of the rising sun and smell the flavour of the fresh flowers. The first rays of the sun are good for health. Morning walk is helpful for fat persons, who require reducing weight. It is also helpful for the lean and thin to put on some flesh. It is the easiest, cheapest and independent exercise. It can be carried out without the help of any instrument, instructor or institution. Therefore all of us must have the habit of walking in the morning. “A morning walk a day keeps the doctor away”.

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