Travelling As a Part of Education /Paragraph for IX/X

Man has an intense interest to know the unknown, to see the unseen. Travelling is an important way to gain knowledge and acquire education. The terms ‘travelling’ and ‘education’ cannot be separated from each other. Bookish knowledge can be obtained from reading books. Practical knowledge can be gathered from travelling. It makes history real. The education of man remains incomplete if he does not visit important places of the world. Travelling also gives us a true conception of the geographical, geological and mineralogical resources of our earth. It creates in us the desire for investigation, exploration and discovery. Travelling also removes narrowness and superstitions. It makes a traveller smart. It is both entertaining and instructing for them. Our country has hundreds of places known for architecture, climate, scenery, environment, history, development, industry, culture, music, dance and religion. Educational tour exposes our mind to the diverse cultures of India. The feeling of Unity in Diversity and brotherhood takes birth through educational tours. Hence, students must take part in educational tours.

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