The Teacher I Like Most/Paragraph /Writing Skill

The Teacher I  Like  Most

                  Points 🙁 Introduction – name of the teacher – why favourite –conclusion)
  In this age of crass commercialism and cruel civilization all social and moral values decay fast. Teachers too suffer this erosion of values. But some teachers show their honesty and morality even now. There must be some reasons for this difference. There are some teachers who are naturally jolly and can mix with the students freely. But they do not sacrifice their personality. They have some good qualities in them which draw the students to them. Some other teachers can not mix freely with the students and fail to gain their admiration. 
 My English teacher Mr.Sourv Sarkar belongs to the first category. He is a brilliant teacher whom I love and admire most. He is very disciplined and punctual. He is an inspiration to all the students. He explains everything easily with the magic power of his tongue. Students listen to him with great concentration and swallow what comes from him. He is a gentleman with all qualities. He is very affectionate to the students and loves all heartily. He has a sound and pleasing personality which attract everyone.
  He inspires me deeply. I shall never forget such a lovable and strong personality in the forthcoming days in my life. I am really proud for being his student. Because of all his extraordinary qualities, he is my favourite teacher.

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