The Hair And The Tortoise – Story

Write a story on The Hare and the Tortoise

The Hair and the Tortoise

Once upon a time there lived a hare in a jungle. He had a close relation with his friend tortoise. But the hare always neglected the tortoise for his slow pace. The tortoise never quarrelled with him because he knew that he was really very slow. One day the hare said to the tortoise, “My friend, please be fast. You are very slow. The tortoise became very angry and said suddenly,” Then let us arrange a competition. “ The hare became surprised and said, ” Obviously, our race will start tomorrow”. The tortoise did not reply and slowly went back. Next day their race began. When the tortoise was near the starting point the hair went almost 1 km from him. After going few kilometres from the tortoise the hare stopped and thought, “The Tortoise can never defeat me. Now I can take a rest under the tree.” Then he sat down under the tree and slept. After two hours the tortoise came to the place where the hare slept. He made no sound and slowly went to the finishing line. When the hare awoke, it was very late. He started to run. The hare tried his best to overtake him but it was too late. The tortoise slowly crossed the finishing line. The hair became silent and being very angry and ashamed he went to the Jungle.

Moral – Slow but steady wins the race.

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