Mobile Blessing or Curse
(Points- Introduction-uses – misuses – Conclusion)
It is very tough to say whether mobile phone is blessing or curse. It has some good uses and bad uses also. Firstly, mobile phone is one of the wonderful inventions of science. It has done miracles to our life. This incredible technology has made our life easy and comfortable. It is a popular means of communication. Internet on mobile phone is a part and parcel of modern mode of living. Mobile phone helps to grow international brotherhood among the people. In contrast, use of mobile phone at the time of driving a car and crossing a road is very dangerous. These may causes of accidents. Excessive use of mobile phone may cause of brain and throat tumour. Nowadays students are very addicted to mobile games and detach themselves from study. The mobile phone is misleading teenagers to use internet on mobile for downloading adult songs and videos. Students are involving themselves in different types of crimes. So finally we can say, if we use mobile phone properly it is blessing to us, otherwise it is curse for misuse.