Substance of the poem The Poetry of Earth
The Poetry of Earth is a Petrachan sonnet written by the immortal romantic poet John Keats. The poet begins the poem with a positive faith that the poetry of earth never ceases. Poetry in form of music remains alive in every season. Music here is a symbol of poetry. In the scorching summer days when the birds become exhausted they take rest in cooling trees. But the music of earth continues to exist. The grasshopper takes the lead and carries the music from hedge to hedge. It relishes the luxury of summer and sings with delight. Being tired it takes rest beneath some pleasant weeds.
Then the chill winter comes. The frost brings everywhere silence and loneliness. But the music of earth does not come to an end. The shrill song of cricket from the warm stoves breaks the silence and fills the air. Then the people feel the warmth of the grasshopper’s song in the midst of grassy hills of the winter.