Leela’s Friend: Important Short Questions and Answers for HS exam 2021 (WBCHSE)

Leela’s Friend: Important Short Questions and Answers for HS exam 2021 (WBCHSE) 
Q. Where is the story ‘Leela’s Friend’ taken from?
Ans-The story Leela’s Friend’ is taken from ‘Malguui Days’.
Q. Who was Leela’s friend?       Ans-  Sidda was Leela’s friend.
Who was Sivasanker?          Ans- Sivasanker was Leela’s father.
Q. Who was Sidda?                
    Ans-  Sidda was a servant of Mr Sivasanker who  became a loving
 friend of his  daughter, Leela.
Q. What was the problem Mr. Sivasanker brooding over? 
    Ans-     Mr Sivasanker was brooding over the servant problem.
Q. What was Sidda doing when Mr Sivasanker was standing in the veranda and thinking deeply?                                       Ans- Sidda was hanging about the gate of Mr Sivasanker’s house when he was standing in the veranda and thinking deeply. 
Q. What was the first impression of Mr Sivasanker about Sidda? 
Ans-The first impression of Mr Sivasanker was that Sidda was not a bad fellow and looked tidy.
Q. What did Mr Sivasanker want to learn from Sidda? 
 Ans- Mr Sivasanker wanted to learn where Sidda had been working before and why he had left the job.
Q.  What did Sidda tell Mr Sivasanker about his previous job?
Ans- Sidda told Mr Sivasanker that he had worked in a doctor’s bungalow somewhere near
the market and he lost his job because the doctor had left the town.
Q. “He called his wife”-Who called his wife and when?
Mr Sivasanker called his wife when he could not decide to employ Sidda in his house.
Q.  What was the opinion of Mr Sivasanker’s wife about Sidda? 
Ans- Mr Sivasanker’s wife said that Sidda did not look worse than other servants they had in
their house before.
Q. How was Sidda paid for the work in Mr Sivasanker’s house? 
Ans- Sidda was given two meals a day and four rupees a month for his works in Mr Sivasanker’s
Q. Which works would Sidda do in Mr. Sivasanker’s house? 
Ans- Sidda would wash clothes, tend the garden, run errands, chop woods and above all look after
little Leela in Mr Sivasanker’s house.
Q. Why did Leela long for Sidda’s company?
Ans- Leela longed for Sidda’s company as it made her extremely happy. 
Q. What did Sidda tell Leela when the ball thrown upward came down?
Ans- When the ball thrown upward came down, Sidda asked Leela to see the ball with
traces of the moon sticking to it.
Q. Why did Sidda tell Leela to look at the ball quickly?
Ans- Sidda told Leela to look at the ball quickly because the traces of the moon sticking to it would
Q. How, according to Sidda, could Leela touch the sky? 
Ans- Sidda told Leela that she could touch the sky if she stood on a coconut tree. 
Q. “Sidda knows the moon”-Who said this and to whom? 
Ans- Leela said this to her mother. 
 Q. What did Leela ask Sidda to draw? 
Ans- Leela asked Sidda to draw a crow and the letter B. 
Q. “She pitied him.”-Why did she pity him?
Ans- She pitied him as he could not copy what she drew and wrote. 
Q. What kind of story did Sidda tell Leela?
Ans- Sidda told Leela strange stories of animals,gods, and magicians of extraordinary skills.
Q. Who first discovered the loss of Leela’s gold chain?
Ans- Leela’s mother first discovered the loss of Leela’s gold chain.
Q. Why was Leela angry with her mother? 
Ans- Lela was angry with her mother because she always abused and worried her dear friend
Q. Which thought made Leela’s mother panicky? 
Ans- Leela’s mother was panicky as she thought that Sidda might enter the house at night 
and loot all.
Q. What did Mr Sivasanker come to know about Sidda from the police?
Ans- Mr Sivasanker learmt from the políce that Sidda was a confirmed crimínal. He had been
in jail several times on the charge of stealing jewellery from children.
Q. Who brought in Sidda to Mr Sivasanker’s house? 
Ans- The police inspector and a constable brought in Sidda to Mr. Sivasanker’s house.
Q. Where was the gold chain discovered and by whom?
Ans-  Leela’s mother discovered the gold chain from  a tamarind pot. 
Q. Where was Mrs Sivasanker standing when Sidda came to his house?
Ans- .When Sidda came to his house Mr Sivasanker was standing on the front verandah.
 Q. Where, according to Sidda did the doctor live?
Ans. According to Sidda the doctor lived in a bungalow near the market.
 Why had Sidda been sent away from the doctor’s house?
Ans-  Sidda had been sent away from the doctor’s house as the doctor had left the town.
Q. Whom did Mr Sivasanker call when he could not decide about Sidda?
Ans- When Mr Sivasanker could not decide about Sidda he called his wife.
Q. What, according to Sidda, is there in the sky?
Ans- According to Sidda there is God in the sky.
 Q. Where did Leela and Sidda play with red ball?
Ans- Leela and Sidda played in the front garden with the red ball.
Q. Where did Leela go with Sidda one evening?
Ans- One evening Leela went to market with Sidda for buying sugar.
Q. What made the police inspector furious?
Ans- The police inspector was furious as Mr Sivasanker did not consult him before engaging Sidda.
Q. Who first noticed that Leela’s gold chain was missing?
Ans-Leela’s mother at first noticed that the gold chain worn by Leela was missing.
Q. Why did Leela refuse to go to bed?
Ans- Leela refused to go to bed as Sidda was not there to tell her stories at bedtime. 
Q. What story did Leela want to hear from her mother?
Ans-  Leela wanted to hear the story of an elephant from her mother.
Q. Where was Sidda allowed to sleep in Mr. Sivasanker’s house?
Ans- Sidda was allowed to sleep outside in Mr Sivasanker’s house.
Q. What food did Leela ask for from her mother?
Ans- Leela asked her mother for some sugar.
Q. What was Sidda incapable of?
Ans. Sidda was utterly incapable of plying the pencil.
Q. What was Mr Sivasanker’s profession?
 Ans- Mr. Sivasankar was a Serviceman.
Q. What was Leela’s box filled with?
Ans- Leela’s box was filled with catalogues, illustrated books and stumps of pencils.
 Q. Where did Leela’s mother find the chain?
Ans- Leela’s mother found the chain inside the tamarind pot in the kitchen.

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