Indiscriminate Use of Loudspeaker / Microphones-Editorial letter /for MP Students /WBBSE

The Editor
The Times of India
 230, AJC Bose Road, Sreepally,
 Kolkata- 700020

                              Sub – Indiscriminate Use of Loudspeaker / Microphones

Respected Sir,
                        Through the column of your esteemed daily I want to express my views against the indiscriminate use of microphones in various programmes.
                        Nowadays reckless use of microphones has become an inseparable part of our festivals, religious and other programmes. It causes great inconvenience to all classes of people. It rudely overrides our right to work in peace. It disturbs the study of students and ailing people. Sometimes loudspeaker becomes unpardonable and it makes our life hazardous. The permissible limit as determined by the Pollution Control Board is crossed at almost everywhere by microphones. Again indiscriminate use of microphones causes headache, deafness, etc.
   Therefore I request you to highlight the issue in your daily so that the concerned authority takes necessary steps to solve the problem without further delay.
Date – writing date.                                                                                                                               Yours faithfully,
   Own address                                                                                                                                       Own signature

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