Important Phrasal Verbs /Group Verb

Important Group verbs /Phrasal Verb

Act upon – Affect

Bear with – tolerate
Break down – collapse /fail / stop working / come down
Break into – enter illegally or by force
Break out – spread suddenly
Break up – end
Bring about – happen
Bring down – reduce/ cut down
Bring out – publish/display
Bring up – rear
Call at – visit/ meet
Call for – demand
Call in – send for/ summon
Call off – withdraw
Call up – remember
Carry on – -continue
Carry out – obey / execute
Come across – meet suddenly
Come of – is born / descend
Come out – reveal
Come round – recover
Cry for – beg
Cut down – fell / decrease
Deal in – trade in
Deal with – behave
Fall out – quarrel
Fall through – fail
Go through – read
Get away – escape
Get back – return
Get up – rise
Give away – distribute
Give in – surrender
Give up – abandon/ reject/ shun
Hold back – conceal
Hang on – depend
Hang over – postpone
Keep away – stay at distance
Keep up – maintain
Look after – take care
Look down upon – hate / despise
Look for – try to find
Look into – investigate
Look up – examine
Make out – understand
Make up – decide /settle/compensate
Pass away – die
Put down – write
Put on – wear
Put off – postpone
Put up with – tolerate
Put aside/by – save
Run over – knock down / read quickly
Set in – begin / occur
Set off/out – start a journey/ leave for
Set up – establish / start a business
Stand against – oppose
Stand by – Support
Take after – resemble
Take down – write down
Take off – remove
Tell on / upon – affect
Turn down – reject
Turn up – appear/ happen
Work out – solve

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