[IMPORTANT] Long /descriptive Questions and Answers of Three Questions for HS-WBCHSE-2021

1. How did the enemy of the Tsar become his friend? Or why did not the enemy attack the Tsar when he was sleeping?

Ans: The beard man came to kill the Tsar. The Tsar’s guard wounded him. Then the Tsar nursed the wounded man. Blood stopped flowing after repeated wash and bandage of the Tsar. The Tsar also gave him fresh water to drink. He took the wounded man into the hut on the bed. Thus the Tsar saved the beard man who came to finish the Tsar.

After that the mind of the man changed. He no longer wanted to kill him. He asked the Tsar to forgive him for his deed. He wanted to serve the tsar as a faithful slave. Thus the enemy of the Tsar became his friend.

2.  What were the three questions of the Tsar and how did the hermit answer?

Ans:– In the Story “Three Questions” written by Leo Tolstoy, three questions appeared in the mind of the Tsar. The first question was – ‘what the right time is to begin a work’. The second question was – ‘who are most important people’. The third question was- ‘what the most important thing is to do’.

In reply to the three questions the wise hermit said that preset n time is the most important time to begin a work. Our present companion is our most needed person. At last the hermit said that the most important work is to do well of our present company.

3. Why did the Tsar go to the hermit? Why did he go there in disguise? What was the hermit doing when the Tsar met him?

Ans:– In the story “Three Question”, once three questions appeared in the mind of a Tsar. Every person failed to answer the questions. Then the Tsar remembered the hermit who was famous for his wisdom. The thought he could answer. So the Tsar went to the hermit.

The hermit of the wood used to allow only common people to meet him. So the Tsar changed the dress and went to him in disguise of a common man.

When the Tsar met him, the hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut. He was breathing heavily for his hard work.

4. Why did the beard man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear to do? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar and what did he promise?

Ans:- In the story “Three Question” written by Leo Tolstoy, the beard man became an enemy of the Tsar because the Tsar executed his brother and seized his property.

The beard man swore to take revenge of his dead brother. He resolved to kill the Tsar on his way back from the hermit’s hut.

Though the man wanted to kill the Tsar, the Tsar saved his life. He took care of the man’s wound. The man realised his mistake and asked forgiveness of the Tsar.

The man promised to the Tsar that he would serve the as his most faithful slave. He also said that he would order his sons to do the same.

5. “You are tired”- who said this to whom? Why did the person feel tired? How was the person helped?

Ans:- “You are tired”- in the story “Three Questions”, the Tsar said this to the hermit.

The hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut.  The hermit was frail and weak. When he struck his spade and turned a little earth, he breathed heavily.

The Tsar felt pity for the weak hermit. He wanted to dig for him. The hermit thanked him. He gave the Tsar the spade and sat down on the ground. The Tsar dug the ground for two hours still the sun sank.

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