High Price of Essential Commodities/Editorial letter /Class X/MP/WBBSE

The Editor
The Times of India
 230, AJC Bose Road, Sreepally,
 Kolkata- 700020

                              Sub – High Price of Essential Commodities

Respected Sir,
                        Through the column of your esteemed daily I want to express my views against the soaring price of essential commodities.
                        Nowadays price rise has become a great problem to most of the middle class people. The price of rice, vegetables, fish, oil, biscuits and many other things of daily use are going up almost every week. Rice sells 30 rupees per kilogram. Fish and meat are beyond one’s purchasing power. Coal and kerosene are reaching the sky. Medicines are dear. These situations are mainly for some dishonest businessmen who artificially create scarcity of goods to earn more profit.
                       Therefore I request you to write an editorial note to create strong public opinion so that the government take necessary steps to control the price of essential articles. The government can control it by introducing an effective public distribution system.
Date – writing date.                                                                                                                                        Yours faithfully,
   Own address                                                                                                                                                 Own signature

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