GLOBAL WARMING/Paragraph /for MP Students /WBBSE/Global Warming

       Points – (Introduction-cause –result – solution or preventive measure)     
                  In this age of modern science and civilization ‘Global Warming’ is a very well known word. Global warming means the gradual increase in the average temperature of earth. It is mainly the result of green house gases, like-  carbon-dioxide(CO2),  carbon-monoxide(CO) ,  nitrous-oxide(N2O), chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), methane(CH4), etc. The green house gases are increasing for fossil fuel burning, deforestation and reckless industrialisation. As a result, the polar ice caps are melting. The level of sea water is rising. Many islands and coastal regions are going under water / drowning. The layer of ozone gas has torn in some areas. The ultra violet rays are reaching our earth. The deserts are expanding/ spreading. There is extreme weather everywhere. Many species of animals and plants are destroying. For the survival of earth, we should take measures to reduce the green house gases. We should not cross the limit of using electricity. Above all, awareness and afforestation all over the world are very necessary to save our earth. 

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