Give a short note about the futility of war in the poem Asleep in the valley.

In the poem Asleep in the Valley the poet has presented the brutality of war. Now give a short note about the futility of war in the poem Asleep in the valley.

In the poem Asleep in the Valley by Arthur Rimbaud we come to know that a young soldier is lying asleep in a beautiful green sunlit Valley. The soldier is dead and he will never awake from his eternal sleep because he has received fatal wound of bullets. His feet are on the heap of flowers. His smile is like an innocent child. He is also ignorant about the brutality of war. He is cold because of his lifelessness. He sleeps in the warmth of the Sun. He is a victim of war. In the midst of nature’s beauty the poet wants to convey very tactfully the message that war only brings destruction. Nature cares us with her tender touch of nourishment. War only destroys this holy and the glorious purpose of nature. Thus the poet expresses his critical attitude towards the futility, cruelty and brutality of war.

In the poem Asleep in the Valley the poet has presented the brutality of war. Now give a short note about the futility of war in the poem Asleep in the valley.

A war poem is one that deals with war. Generally it reveals both the honor and horro of war. An anti-war poem has the function of brutality or pity of war. In the poem we witness the beauty of the velley where the soldier rests the flowers and humming insects with his one hand on his chest. He shows his gratitude to his motherland. His open – mouthed smile shows his innocence. Such a beautiful picture turns gloomy when we doscover two red holes of bullets at the side of his body. The war has been presented here as the slaughter-House of young, prospective soldiers. The warmth of nature can not revitalise him. The beautiful valley transforms into a valley of death. Thus with symbols and images the poet has very skillfully presented the horror of war.

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