Frequent Power cut/Editorial letter


The Editor

The Statesman

Chowringhee Square

Kolkata – 700001

                                                 Sub – Frequent Power cut

Respected Sir

                          Through the column of your esteemed daily I want to express my views against the frequent load- shedding in our state.

               Electricity is very essential in our modern life. Without it life and business come to an end. The students cannot study. The doctors cannot operate upon the patients. Pumps, shallow tube-well cannot supply water to agricultural land. Trains run late. We cannot use our gadgets and we become digitally blind. In hot and humid summer we frequently fall ill and cannot sleep properly. Factories and workshops suffer greatly.  Above all we can say without electricity normal life of the entire society is disrupted.

              Therefore I request you to highlight the power cut issue in your daily so that the authority take necessary steps to solve the problem without further delay.

Date – writing date.                                                                                      Yours faithfully,

   Own address                                                                                               Own signature


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