Duties and Responsibilities of a Student(Paragraph) CLASS X(WBBSE)

Duties and Responsibilities of a Student

(Point : Introduction – duties to parents and society – cultivation of good virtues – conclusion )

               Students are the budding citizens of a country. The future of a nation depend s on them. Students must cultivate good habits before shouldering responsibilities. A student has a lot of duties to perform. He has duties to his own self, to his family, to his neighbours, to his society and to his country as a whole. 
  The first and foremost duty of a student is to study and equip himself. He should take care for the harmonious development of his body, mind and intellect. A student should learn a lot so that he can reach the summit of success. A student must love and respect his parents. He should come forward to fight against the social superstitions and corruptions. Students should teach the masses orally the uses of electricity and fertilizer, the cultural history of the nation, necessity of sound health and sanitation. Students should take responsibilities to construct small roads, to dig wells and to clean tanks. Again students should go to the slums and backward villages to point out why there are epidemics in those areas. To be a fighter against evils a student should cultivate the virtues of honesty, veracity and fellow-feeling. He must raise a sense of patriotism in his mind. 
As the students are the part and parcel of a nation, they should make themselves properly for the progress and prosperity of the nation.   

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