Discipline in student life
Discipline means obedience to established rules of conduct. It is the backbone of the society. It is one of the principal secrets behind all successful people. Discipline must exist in all sphere of human life. It is most important for students as student life is the grooming period of a person. Without discipline academic life becomes absolutely meaningless. It helps to build one’s character. It includes self – control, responsibility, obedience to duty and capacity of selfless activities. It would be cultivated from the very beginning of one’s life. Students are the future citizens of a country. If they grow up undisciplined, the whole social structure will collapse like a house of cards. On the other hand discipline makes a student mechanical and his life monotonous. Sometimes it becomes responsible for a student’s cruelty and lack of creativity. At last we can say that though discipline has some problems, without it student’s life is like a car without brake.