Descriptive questions and answers of Twelfth Night /William Shakespeare /class XI /WBCHSE

Answer: Olivia was the virtuous daughter of a count who died twelve months ago.This lovely lady lived in llyria as the mistress of a big household.She had a. large umber of servants to lookafter. After the dead of the count, Olivia was under the care of her brother who also died shortly after. For the love of her brother she was deeply sorrow stricken. She did not go outside. She refused to admit any man even the Duke Orsino was not an exception. In her sadness Olivia did not allow no visitor because she decided to live in a state of isolation for seven years. During these years she would retain herself away from the jocund company and sports. She would walk around the manson with her face veiled like a cloister living nun. She would water her rooms with her tears in the remembrance of her dead brother.

Ans: In the great composition Twelfth Night written by WilliamShakespeare, Sebastian and Viola were twin brother and sister.Sebastian was a young man of Elysium.Viola was a beautiful woman. She was the lady of Messalina. While they were on a voyage, they met with shipwreck. Their ship was split on a rock in a violent tempest and both were on the verge of death. The captain of the ship rescued Viola and brought her to the shshore. While Viola was mourning apprehending the death of her missing brother, the captain comforted Viola with the right information. He saw that Sebastian had fastened himself to a strong mast and managed to float safely to the shore .

Answer : In the text Twelfth Night, Antonio was the captain of a ship who rescued Sebastian from shipwrecked.

After the shipwrecked Sebastian came to Illyria. The land was totally unknown to him. To be known with the land Antonio gave him a purse so that Sebastian could use it freely in visiting the town. Sebastian was unable to return within scheduled time. That is why Antonio set out to trace him. On his way the captain found the identical twin sister Viola in the disguise of a man. Instantly he mistook her to be Sebastian. He drew out his sword to save him from the attack of a stranger.

The stranger was the rejected lover of Olivia. He was a rival to the Duke Orsino in their courtship for Olivia.

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