Descriptive Questions and Answers of Karma /Khushwant Singh-WBCHSE

1.Describe the dress of Sir Mohan Lal and his wife Lachmi.

Ans = In the story Karma written by Khuswant Singh there was a great difference between the attire of Sir Mohan Lal and Lady Lal. When Mr Lal represents the hightoned society dweller, his wife appears as a native Indian woman. 
Sir Mohan Lal puts on a precious dress from Saville Row decorated with a carnation in the button hole and balliol tie. His perfume was expensive one. His talcom powder and soap had a lovely fragrance. His costly watch and golden cigarette case showed his belonging to a higher class society. Above all he looked odd in the atmosphere of the platform because he was above comparison with other passengers.
On the other hand Mrs Lal wore white dirty sharee with red border. Though she put on a diamond nose ring and several gold bangles, she appeared as an ordinary Indian woman to us.

2. What was Sir Mohan Lal’s feeling when he saw two English soldiers coming up to his coupe? Why was he half smiling and half protesting?

Ans = In the story Karma  written by Khuswant Singh, Sir Mohan Lal saw two English soldiers coming up to his coupe. They waked unsteadily in a drunken manner. Yet he decided to welcome them. He wanted the Englishmen as his companions during travelling so that he could come out from the boredom of lonely travel. Even he thought of talking to the guard to make them his first class companion though they were entitled to travel second class.
Through the window one of the soldiers observed the compartment and noticed the unoccupied berth. They found the coupe convenient. The soldiers ordered Mr Lal to get out of the compartment and also called him as a nigger. They also thought him to be unfit to travel first class. Sir Mohan welcomed them with a smile because they were Englishmen whom he liked very much. But their misbehaviour made him angry and he tried to protest. That is why Mr Lal was half smiling and half protesting.

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