Article- Mock Test

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1. I have………. book in my hand.


2. Ramenbabu is………….. honourable person in our village.


3. We have……………. playground in our school.


4. Everyday in the morning I read………….. Times of India.


5. ……………. Ganga is a sacred river.


6. He goes to……………. university.


7. He is really……….. honest person.


8. My brother is……………… MBBS doctor.


9. We saw………. young elephant in the zoo.


10. Always try to speak………….. truth.


11. Arunpam never hesitates to tell………. lie.


12. ………… horses are gazing in the field.


13. …….sky is blue.


14. He has bought…………new mobile.


15. ………..Himalayas are on the north of India.


16. He resides in…………..European country.


17. He wants to be…………teacher in future.


18. ‘The’ is………….. article.


19. My father can solve any problem in…………. easy way.


20. He cut the apple with………… knife.


Question 1 of 20

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