About Us

APPEARANCE OF ZENITH ENGLISH – It was 2005 when ZENITH ENGLISH came out as an educational institution. This institution has provided unpaid education to the students of poor family. Even now we are trying to spread the light of education at the every part of Nation without any cost. We publish our first online blog in the month of May, 2020 to reach a large group of students. 

VISION  – ZENITH ENGLISH believes that success does not mean absence of difficulties but overcoming problems. The definition of life is changing every moment. Life is not so simple and smooth like prose or soothing like poetry. If we want to cope up with the world, we have to be empowered with self-esteem and confidence which are the sweet fruits of education. Keeping the theme in mind, we have undertaken the task of creating worthy citizens of the country by exploring the various facets of education. In this changing scenario we shall imbibe the infinite with wisdom and shall create ZENITH ENGLISH as a true centre of exorcism and excellence so that the youths of our country may gain unpaid knowledge and reach at the zenith of progress and prosperity. 

 OUR TAG LINE  – The future of youth

OUR MOTTO – Your success is the only medicine to cure your critics. 

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