A notice for a friendly football match of Clubs

Suppose you are the secretary of your club. Now write a notice informing the club members and the inhabitants of your area that your club is going to arrange a friendly football match. Specify date, time, place and other necessary details.

ABC Club


A friendly Football Match

Notice no – 23/2023. Date- 30 October, 2023

All the members of our reputed club and local people are hereby notified for the information that our club is going to arrange a friendly football match with our nearby club XYZ CLUB in our area . The match will be held on 11th November of this present year. The match will be started at 4:00 p.m. and will be continued till 5:45 p.m. in our club ground. Attractive prizes will be given to the winner and the runner-up team. The winner will be given one lakh rupee and a decorated trophy. The runner-up will be also given 50000 rupee and a nice trophy. The man of the match will be awarded. Our club president will preside over the game and our local MLA will be present during the event as the chief guest. So all the members and local people are invited to enjoy this match.

Members and local people may contact the understand for further details. Co-operation of all is highly solicited to make the programme a grand success.

Countersigned by

The club president

Pramita Pramanik

secretary ABC Club

Mitra Sibir Club


A friendly Football Match

Notice no – 12A/23. Date – 30 /10/23

Dear Mitra Sibir club members and football enthusiasts, We are excited to announce a friendly football match hosted by Mitra Sibir club. The friendly match will be held on 12th November at 3pm in our club ground with our nearby club Nabarun Sangha. This is a fantastic opportunity for our club members to showcase their skills and enjoy a spirited game of football. We also invite all football enthusiasts from the community to join us in this exciting event.Come and cheer for your favorite players and enjoy an afternoon of thrilling football action. Bring your friends and family to support our team. Food and refreshments will be available at the venue to make this event even more enjoyable. Please confirm your attendance and participation by contacting the undersigned at [email protected] or 8910660107 before 8th November .Let’s make this match a memorable and fun event for everyone. We look forward to see you there!Best regards.

Countersigned by

The president, Mitra Sibir

Subir Kumar shit

Secretary, Mitra Sibir

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