Hawkers on Footpath/ Letter to the Editor of Newspaper

32/A, Baruipur,


February 08,2021

The Editor

The Times of India

 230, AJC Bose Road, Sreepally,

 Kolkata- 700020

                              Sub – Hawkers on Footpath

Respected Sir,

               Through the column of your esteemed daily I want to ventilate my views on a problem which is caused by the hawkers on footpath.
                           Hawkers’ problem on the footpath is increasing enormously day by day. They spread their wares and construct stalls on the footpath. They use footpath as their shop. It obstructs free movement of the passers-by. The passers-by have to walk on the road instead of footpaths. Consequently the road becomes crowded and traffic jam and accidents occur. Cars, buses and trams have to slow down to a crawl. Officers, students and other people cannot reach their destinations within time.
                       I therefore request you to write an editorial note to create strong public opinion through your editorial column in this regard so that the government takes immediate steps to stop this nuisance at any cost. The government should set up Hawkers’ corner so that normal life is not disturbed.    

Yours faithfully

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