mackbeth sAQ

1)Who was the king of Scotland? Ans. Duncan. 2)Why was Macbeth held in great esteem throughout Scotland? Ans. For his great valour and skill in wars. 3)Who was the thane of Glamis? Ans. Macbeth. 4)Who stopped Macbeth and Banquo while they were returning from the battlefield victoriously? Ans. Three witches. 5)How did the witches look … Read more

আবেদন শুরু মেধাশ্রী প্রকল্প

রাজ্যে শুরু হওয়া মেধা শ্রী প্রকল্পের মাধ্যমে পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার প্রত্যেক ছাত্র-ছাত্রীকে দিচ্ছেন মাথাপিছু ৮০০ টাকা করে। এতে বিশেষ কিছু শ্রেণী বা সম্প্রদায়ের পড়ুযারা সুবিধা পাবে। কারা আবেদন করতে পারবেন ? SC/ST/OBC সম্প্রদায় ভুক্ত ছাত্র-ছাত্রীরা। কিভাবে আবেদন করা যাবে ? মেধা শ্রী প্রকল্পের বৃত্তির টাকা পেতে হলে প্রথমে স্টুডেন্ট স্কলারশিপ অফ অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইটে যেতে হবে। এরপর … Read more

Process of Publishing a Newspaper

Write a short paragraph on How to Publish a Newspaper. You may use the following flowchart given in the bracket. What is the process of publishing a newspaper? ( news collecting- photographers take photograph- news sorted- edited – types setting- news print – advertisement printed – newspapers folded and cut – ready for distribution) Process … Read more

The Honesty of a Woodcutter /story /story writing

Write a story about the honesty of a woodcutter using the following hints. The Honesty of a Woodcutter Once upon a time a woodcutter lived in a village. He was very poor. One day he went to cut wood by the river. When he was cutting woods, all of a sudden his axe slipped from … Read more

Who were Sebastian and Viola? What accident did they face? What did the captain tell Viola about her brother?

Ans: In the great composition Twelfth Night written by WilliamShakespeare, Sebastian and Viola were twin brother and sister.Sebastian was a young man of Elysium.Viola was a beautiful woman. She was the lady of Messalina. While they were on a voyage, they met with shipwreck. Their ship was split on a rock in a violent tempest … Read more

Descriptive questions and answers of Twelfth Night /William Shakespeare /class XI /WBCHSE

1. Who was Olivia? What made her grief stricken? Why did she allow no visitors? Answer: Olivia was the virtuous daughter of a count who died twelve months ago.This lovely lady lived in llyria as the mistress of a big household.She had a. large umber of servants to lookafter. After the dead of the count, … Read more

Who was Antonio? Why did he draw out a sword to save Viola from the stranger? Who was the stranger?

Twelfth Night – William Shakespeare Who was Antonio? Why did he draw out a sword to save Viola from the stranger? Who was the stranger? Answer : In the text Twelfth Night, Antonio was the captain of a ship who rescued Sebastian from shipwrecked. After the shipwrecked Sebastian came to Illyria. The land was totally … Read more